
Friday, January 9, 2009


I believe they tried to imitate the name of Internet Giant Google's immensely successful online advertising service-Google AdSense. But the difference is that Google AdSense is a state of the art program with over thousand million viewers a year, whereas ClixSense is just another "Non-Sense" doing the rounds on the net giving away false promises for free. Here are those promises.
  • 1 cent for every click you make. This way in 2 months I just earned 17 cents. That's less than a cent a day.
  • 1 cent for every free registration you refer. Previously it was 10 cents per referral. For referring you have the option of only emails which often gets filtered by spam filters.
  • Pay up to 5 levels deep for each referral who upgrades to a "Premium Account". Only Premium members get this benefit for which you need to pay USD $ 10.
  • 10% of the revenue earned from the ad placed by your referrals. This is also for the Premium members only.
  • Win up to USD $ 5 from Clixgrid. This is their worst ploy to cheat. Being the only other means to earn other than PTC(which is not at all profitable), members are lured into it. Its a grid which contain 15x15 slices. As a non premium member you get 20 chances a day(Premium members get 50) to randomly click any slice. Then a new pop-up window will open. If you are lucky you may win. I have never won and I doubt if anybody else have ever won at all. But every time we click they are surely earning because the pop-up that appears is an ad. I surely appreciate their idea but don't recommend it to any one reading this blog.

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